It has been several days since I have posted. I have not been very good about staying consistent, and as I have seen more blogs by others I am realizing that there are so many changes I would like to make.
But for now….I will just say this. “What is there really to say?”
I don’t really mean that there is nothing to write or talk about. I don’t mean that there isn’t something of great need and value to pray. We all know that there definitely is. What I do mean is …
…..I sat down a moment ago to pray and realized I needed not to pray. I sat down just now to think and talk to God only to realize that the silent stillness is all that needed to really take place. What could give God more pleasure than to simply be still and know that He is God. What a beautiful expression of love and praise. What a moment of peace and acceptance! What a moment of full trust and reverence! It is like something so pure and spectacular that there are not words to give it justice and you must just sit in awe.
God the Father, God the Son (Christ Jesus) and the Holy Spirit deserves our awe!
you are absolutely right, and this is something that I fail at almost 100%. Thanks for the reminder.